Hadji Kotsev | Sofia, Bulgaria | Aedes Studio
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hadji kotsev

2007 - 2011
Sofia, Bulgaria 

The plot has a blind wall facing north and opens up to the streets to the south and west. Few trees are preserved in the close neighbourhood, the surrounding buildings are 5-6 storeys high, set closely. From the outside the building presents a net of white stone with dark wooden sunshading 

panels rolling in front of the glazing. They seem to be erasing the stone leaving its structure alone. Each movement sets new inner and outer configurations. The space in front of the office is an area of transition between the public space of the street above and the private space of the office below.

HK description
Anchor 1

bul. "General Mihail D. Skobelev" 30, 1606 Sofia Center, Sofia Bulgaria 


+359 2 851 72 81

copyright tthr Aedes Studio 2022

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