rositsa bratkova - architect
Nationality: Bulgarian
Proffessional experience
_Aedes Studio, Sofia, Bulgaria 01.2004 - present
Co-founding architect
Key projects Jaclyn Mixed Use Building
Q Center Office Building
Spa Suites Residences
Borovets Hotel
B3 Residential & Office Building
Urbano Modulo Office Building
Red Apple Residential Building
Yastrebets Hotel
BU Business University
_Studio 17,5, Sofia, Bulgaria 09.2001- 11.2003
Key projects The Mall of Sofia
_Proarh, Sofia, Bulgaria 10.2000-08.2001
Key projects Business Park Sofia
_University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and 10.2014 - 02.2016
Geodesy Sofia, Bulgaria 10.1996 - 01.2002
Master of Architecture Theory & Criticism
Master of Architecture
_German Language High school, Sofia Bulgaria 09.1991 - 06.1996
Bulgarian - native
English - fluent
German - excellent
Russian - good
RIBA President’s Awards for Research 2016 Book of Abstracts
Primitive Models in Vernacular Bulgarian Barns
Architecture, iss. 3 2016 - Muzeiko
Architecture, iss. 1 2016 - House with two Faces
Lectures and Workshops
ENSAS Strasbourg, France 04.2016
Aedes Studio Projects - lecture
New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria 03.2016
Interior Design – lecture
Design workshop, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria 07.2015
School of Architecture, Muenster, Germany 10.2009
Panel Blocks Complexes – lecture and workshop
with arch. Victor Mani